Hot Husband, Cold Wife...
The husband was hot. Now he’s on the couch. The wife was cold. Now she’s in a cocoon. They fell asleep together as a couple in the same bed but soon after ‘lights out’, differing body temperatures pulled them apart. Mars and Venus are at work again, but instead of a conflict between getting confidently lost or asking for directions, it’s about bedcovers. He’s hot, she’s not, and both of them are losing sleep.
According to a National Sleep Foundation study, 27% of couples resolve sleep issues by bunking separately. A Canadian study has that statistic as high as 34%. Sleep difficulties add billions of dollars to national health care costs every year but very few of us give the issue the attention it deserves. A good night’s sleep is the foundation for increased productivity, weight management, improved memory, stress reduction, creativity, and reducing the chances for depression. Being well rested can literally save your life. Some sleep problems can be attributed to snoring and apnea, but many more are about comfort. Usually, he’s sweating and she wants to put on a wool cap.
It’s true that a woman’s core body
temperature is slightly higher than a man’s, but she’s keeping her organs
warm – particularly during childbearing years – leaving her hands and feet
cold. He’s got more muscle mass –
even if he never works out – which requires more energy, and energy is
heat. It’s hunter-gatherer science
and it’s real. So she wears the
fetching flannel pajamas to his boxers and piles on the blankets throughout the
night, which he continues to push away.
It’s not working. Is there
an answer beyond separate beds?
There is. It’s
a comforter for couples with different body temperatures, and there’s nothing
to plug in. It’s more affordable
than the four attractive blankets she wants to put on the bed. Made with a high quality down
alternative, it’s hypoallergenic, and with a high thread count, it’s
unbelievably comfortable. A
comforter that is made for couples with different sleeping preferences. The
name of the product is the Twovet™
- the duvet for two. One side is heavy, the other light. It allows couples to say goodnight and
good morning to each other in the same bed where they both fell asleep. Problem
solved. No more arguing at night about being too hot or too cold. Here’s a
quick video that
explains the product in more detail.
To see how a comforter with different thicknesses will work for you, check out our product page.
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Cathy and Mike -
Thank you very much for the comment. 32 years of dealing with sleeping differences??? That is very impressive! We are happy that the Twovét™ has helped you and your husband. Feel free to give us a call or shoot us an email if any questions come up.
Happy New Year!
We have been married for 32 years and during this time I have had to endure a heap of covers on our bed because my husband Mike loves the weight when he sleeps. Finally after all these years you have come up with this brilliant concept of the twovet!! This is the answer to my prayers…now I can sleep comfortably without all that access weight and heat and Mike can keep his weight on HIS side ONLY.
Thank you so very much to Thetwovet!!!