How the Twovet happened
How the Twovet 'happened'...
Getting older comes with its challenges
You bet it does! One of our customers referred to it as the "dreaded-stage" of womanhood. We could not have said it better!
During this time, our bodies change, we get night sweats and hot flashes and we don't sleep like we used to.
We became frustrated with the sleeping products on the market. We didn't feel that they catered to our needs (particularly night sweats).
With this challenge, we started thinking about different sleeping solutions...
Since we were always hot and sweating at night, why not create a comforter that has a cool "thin" side for us? The other side could be warm and "thick" for our husbands?
We thought this was a good idea but needed to see what others thought.
So we prototyped a new type of Twovet with two sides (warm side/cool side)...
Here's what people said about our new 'duvet'
1. It would help combat my night sweats. I want to be cool and my husband wants to be warm - the Twovet would solve that problem.
2. The Twovet would allow us to act the part of a couple, and share a bed once again! :)
This comforter will be a life saver.
3. We would feel rested in the mornings, after not having to fight with the blankets all night long.No more rustling with the comforter - I'll stay cool and he'll stay warm!
With this feedback, the Twovet was born!
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