Best Sleeping Positions for Couples
The mystery of sleep is a complex one and goes far beyond how many hours we should be getting or what might happen if we don’t get enough. The way in which we sleep is also a matter of science-based interest, and it turns out there are some very interesting facts about sleeping positions that can help us improve our rest.
But it gets even more interesting when you consider the different ways couples share the bed together. After all, it's estimated that 20% of people who share a bed with someone else actually sleep better than they do on their own. So if you're a part of a couple and want to enjoy a good night's rest together, here are some positions you might want to try:
Here are 5 sleep positions to enjoy a restful night together:
There's something so sweet about drifting off to sleep with your partner.
But there's also something so frustrating about being woken up by their snores, or turning around to find they've gone and stolen the duvet.
Luckily, according to science, there are certain sleep positions you can both adopt in order to ensure a restful night together.
It really is a case of happy wife, happy life (or vice versa), because if you're both getting a good night's sleep, your relationship is likely to benefit.
According to a study published in the Journal of Physiological Anthropology, there is an ideal sleeping position that can help both you and your partner get a good night's sleep.
The suggested position, which is known as "the spoon," is when you sleep on your sides with your bodies pressed against one another.
The study found that this position helps lower stress, reduce back pain, and improve breathing while sleeping.
In the spoon position, you can fall asleep faster and enjoy a longer, deeper sleep. This is probably because we feel more relaxed when we are close to our partners and feel their warmth against us.
Additionally, this position helps reduce pressure on the spine and alleviates back pain for both partners.
According to a study at the University of Hertfordshire, couples sleep together in the "pillow hug" position. This is when a couple sleeps back-to-back, with their heads on the same pillow and arms around each other.
It is thought that this position gives couples a sense of security by having physical contact while they sleep, while still allowing them to roll over if they feel like it.
The research found that 57% of couples sleep in the spooning position, where one partner curls around the other's back, with their arms wrapped around their partner. This is followed by cuddling (37%) — when both partners face each other with bodies touching.
Having said that, sleeping positions also depend on body size and temperature preferences. So it is best to choose a position that makes you sleep well and feel secure.
It's common for couples to lie in bed facing each other in what researchers call "the leg hug" position because it involves one partner placing their leg over the other's body.
According to experts, this position suggests a high level of intimacy, as well as trust because your bodies are so close together that your partner would probably notice if you tried to move
Spooning is a go-to for many couples because it's familiar and intimate — but if you have active legs or are a light sleeper, you might struggle to get comfortable.
The half spoon position could be the answer, as one person sleeps on their back with their partner tucked behind to help hold them still.
Martin told HuffPost UK: "This will allow both partners to sleep on their sides and feel secure in each other’s arms."
She added: "Sleeping like this will help your partner to avoid kicking you in the night, and vice versa."
If you’re having trouble getting the sleep you need, your sleeping partner might be to blame. If that’s the case, you can resolve it by adjusting how you sleep or where you sleep. Sleeping together for better sleep is possible if you keep these tips in mind. It just takes some small adjustments to get the quality of sleep that you and your loved one deserve.
55% of couples argue over sleep temperature differences!
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