Beat Your Snoring Problem
Beat Your Snoring Problem
If you are the victim of snoring, or your spouse is keeping you up at night with a terrible racket that seems loud enough to make the walls shake, it's time to do something about it. Snoring is not only a nuisance, it could be an indicator of a sleep disorder such as sleep apnea. Regardless of what is causing snoring, it is due to a partial obstruction of the airways, restricting intake of oxygen and eliminating the possibility of a solid, restful sleep. Whether you are the one with the snoring problem or it's your partner, you both need your rest in order to be your best. Try the following creative ways to alleviate snoring and have sweet dreams once more:
An effective fix for the snoring problem in your household could be as simple as a snoring pillow. Snoring pillows are designed to position the head in such a way that it promotes an open airway and prevents snoring. They are contoured to keep the head and neck in proper alignment. As an additional benefit, they can make the neck more comfortable, reducing strain.
Difficulties with snoring can often be adjusted through changes in lifestyle. Add exercise to the daily routine, strengthening the entire body and the throat along with it, reducing snoring. Trimming down excess weight is helpful, as well. Smoking is a definite no. While it's unhealthy all around, this bad habit contributes to snoring. Sleeping pills and alcohol should be avoided before bed. It's a catch-22. Many people will use these sleep aids when struggling to get a good night's rest. However, alcohol and sleeping medication will make the throat muscles relax and aggravate snoring. Be sure to get into a regular sleep pattern, as well. If both partners head to bed at the same time and manage to fall asleep together, snoring could decrease or at least be less noticeable.
Allergies could be the culprit when it comes to blocked nasal passages. If over-the-counter products aren't working, see a doctor to come up with a plan of action. If you suffer from chronic sinus infections, you are more likely to snore. Discuss effective remedies with your physician to keep your nasal passages clear. Adjust your environment as well, adding a humidifier to your bedroom to keep the air moist enough to avoid irritation in the throat and nose.
There are a variety of devices on the market that target snoring. Nasal strips are a simple fix. They are applied to the nose and keep the nasal passages open. Oral appliances are commonly used, as well. A mouth guard is worn at night and positions the mouth in such a way to keep the airway open while sleeping. The CPAP device is the most intrusive method to alleviate snoring and is commonly prescribed for those with sleep apnea. It involves wearing a mask at night that is connected to the continuous positive airway pressure device. Pressurized air is forced into your airways throughout the night. When all efforts fail, it is time to contact a doctor to discuss more options. Pleasant dreams are possible for all.
What steps have you taken to alleviate your or your partner's snoring? Have you had any luck?
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